Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just starting out

After much inspiration, I have decided to take a stab at Photography. I have always been told I should have been an interior designer or hair dresser but never had the itch to do it. Although I love decorating, I only prefer to decorate my own home. There are many things i have wante to do over the years, I thought maybe one day I would go back and get my RN? I thought of maybe opening a consignment shop for children?

It hit me back in October 2009, I had my fammily photgraphed by Sandy Wagerman. I just was moved when I saw her work and booked her immediately. After the experience and seeing my pictures I was truely inspired, but did not feel I had the confidence. I also wanted to make sure I wasnt going through another one of my phases of "What do I want to be when I grow up".
After two friends on facebook turned to photgraphy, I said to myself, "Go with it Crystal, you have lots of potential to be great!". I have bought my first digital camera, it is a Canon 5D Mark II. I love it so far and I am here to start my journey.

It will begin small, first by photographing my 4 favorite children...mine.
Dylan, Ryleah, Reese and Livia.

I hope that one day when someone looks at my work, they will be inspired as I was.